
programming language

# Name
1 flyerhzm @flyerhzm 12610
2 mame @mame 9980
3 jnunemaker @jnunemaker 9660
4 norman @norman 6391
5 amatsuda @amatsuda 5991
6 JuanitoFatas @JuanitoFatas 5221
7 svenfuchs @svenfuchs 5188
8 justinfrench @justinfrench 5118
9 eliotsykes @eliotsykes 4477
10 colszowka @colszowka 4382
11 palkan @palkan 4052
12 remi @remi 3990
13 wvanbergen @wvanbergen 3963
14 troessner @troessner 3798
15 radar @radar 3750
16 edavis10 @edavis10 3494
17 zdennis @zdennis 3465
18 roidrage @roidrage 3446
19 arbox @arbox 3439
20 dtan4 @dtan4 3415
21 tobi @tobi 3347
22 hendricius @hendricius 3330
23 mikel @mikel 3310
24 fgrehm @fgrehm 3275
25 nov @nov 3190
26 swanson @swanson 3158
27 drnic @drnic 3140
28 krisleech @krisleech 3099
29 r7kamura @r7kamura 3069
30 brunofacca @brunofacca 2909
31 EugenMayer @EugenMayer 2825
32 randym @randym 2816
33 pat @pat 2800
34 dchelimsky @dchelimsky 2780
35 chloerei @chloerei 2728
36 mizzy @mizzy 2673
37 avdi @avdi 2640
38 macournoyer @macournoyer 2521
39 thiagopradi @thiagopradi 2428
40 gimite @gimite 2391
41 kpumuk @kpumuk 2382
42 ttscoff @ttscoff 2368
43 jamis @jamis 2244
44 ledermann @ledermann 2131
45 galetahub @galetahub 2131
46 SamSaffron @SamSaffron 2116
47 fredwu @fredwu 2079
48 fredwu @fredwu 2079
49 topfunky @topfunky 2033
50 louismullie @louismullie 1974
# Title Description
1 quine-relay mame An uroboros program with 100+ programming languages 8475
2 bullet flyerhzm help to kill N+1 queries and unused eager loading 5835
3 friendly_id norman FriendlyId is the “Swiss Army bulldozer” of slugging and permalink plugins for ActiveRecord. It a... 5395
4 httparty jnunemaker :tada: Makes http fun again! 5138
5 formtastic justinfrench A Rails form builder plugin with semantically rich and accessible markup. 5086
6 fast-ruby JuanitoFatas :dash: Writing Fast Ruby :heart_eyes: -- Collect Common Ruby idioms. 4751
7 simplecov colszowka Code coverage for Ruby 1.9+ with a powerful configuration library and automatic merging of covera... 3930
8 rails_best_practices flyerhzm a code metric tool for rails projects 3791
9 rails-i18n svenfuchs Repository for collecting Locale data for Ruby on Rails I18n as well as other interesting, Rails ... 3557
10 terraforming dtan4 Export existing AWS resources to Terraform style (tf, tfstate) 3371
11 the-bread-code hendricius Learn how to master the art of baking the programmer way. 3307
12 reek troessner Code smell detector for Ruby 3285
13 activerecord-import zdennis A library for bulk insertion of data into your database using ActiveRecord. 3201
14 mail mikel A Really Ruby Mail Library 3186
15 stringer swanson A self-hosted, anti-social RSS reader. 3116
16 docker-sync EugenMayer Run your application at full speed while syncing your code for development, finally empowering yo... 2805
17 lograge roidrage An attempt to tame Rails' default policy to log everything. 2750
18 wisper krisleech A micro library providing Ruby objects with Publish-Subscribe capabilities 2721
19 axlsx randym xlsx generation with charts, images, automated column width, customizable styles and full sch... 2518
20 redmine edavis10 Redmine is a flexible project management web application written using Ruby on Rails framework. ... 2442
21 octopus thiagopradi Database Sharding for ActiveRecord 2428
22 serverspec mizzy RSpec tests for your servers configured by CFEngine, Puppet, Chef, Ansible, Itamae or anything el... 2325
23 meta-tags kpumuk Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Ruby on Rails applications. 2274
24 request-log-analyzer wvanbergen Create reports based on your log files. Supports Rails, Apache, MySQL, Delayed::Job, and other formats. 2222
25 flipper jnunemaker :dolphin: feature flipping for ruby (performant and simple) 2125
26 delayed_job tobi Database backed asynchronous priority queue -- Extracted from Shopify 2116
27 ckeditor galetahub Ckeditor 4.x integration gem for rails 2088
28 thin macournoyer A very fast & simple Ruby web server 2081
29 teamocil remi There's no I in Teamocil. At least not where you think. Teamocil is a simple tool used to automat... 1991
30 rspec-rails-examples eliotsykes RSpec cheatsheet & Rails app: Learn how to expertly test Rails apps from a model codebase 1984
31 knock nsarno Seamless JWT authentication for Rails API 1950
32 her remi Her is an ORM (Object Relational Mapper) that maps REST resources to Ruby objects. It is designed... 1873
33 rspec dchelimsky Behaviour Driven Development framework for Ruby 1764
34 zen-rails-security-checklist brunofacca Checklist of security precautions for Ruby on Rails applications. 1602
35 thinking-sphinx pat Sphinx plugin for ActiveRecord/Rails 1588
36 google-drive-ruby gimite A Ruby library to read/write files/spreadsheets in Google Drive/Docs. 1571
37 fusuma iberianpig Multitouch gestures with libinput driver on Linux 1554
38 guides radar Guides for Ruby and Elixir and whatever else I feel like 1510
39 machine-learning-with-ruby arbox Curated list: Resources for machine learning in Ruby 1453
40 rails-footnotes Intrepidd [UNMAINTAINED - LOOKING FOR MAINTAINERS] Every Rails page has footnotes that gives information ab... 1447
41 simple_token_authentication gonzalo-bulnes Simple (but safe) token authentication for Rails apps or API with Devise. 1386
42 awesome-geek-podcasts guipdutra A curated list of podcasts we like to listen to. 1364
43 pdf-reader yob The PDF::Reader library implements a PDF parser conforming as much as possible to the PDF specifi... 1361
44 kiba thbar Data processing & ETL framework for Ruby 1352
45 treat louismullie Natural language processing framework for Ruby. 1347
46 image_optim toy Optimize images using multiple utilities 1328
47 memory_profiler SamSaffron memory_profiler for ruby 1267
48 validates_timeliness adzap Date and time validation plugin for ActiveModel and Rails. Supports multiple ORMs and allows cus... 1260
49 declarative_authorization stffn An unmaintained authorization plugin for Rails. Please fork to support current versions of Rails 1259
50 lol_dba plentz lol_dba is a small package of rake tasks that scan your application models and displays a list of... 1258
51 rails-security-checklist eliotsykes :key: Community-driven Rails Security Checklist (see our GitHub Issues for the newest checks that... 1247
52 rqrcode whomwah A Ruby library that encodes QR Codes 1217
53 wechat Eric-Guo API, command and message handling for WeChat in Rails 1215
54 pry-rails rweng Rails >= 3 pry initializer 1214
55 vagrant-lxc fgrehm LXC provider for Vagrant 1199
56 squasher jalkoby Squasher - squash your old migrations in a single command 1186
57 highline JEG2 A higher level command-line oriented interface. 1160
58 machinist notahat Fixtures aren't fun. Machinist is. 1136
59 vagrant-cachier fgrehm Caffeine reducer 1085
60 fb_graph nov This gem doesn't support FB Graph API v2.0+. Please use fb_graph2 gem instead. 1063
61 gruff topfunky Gruff graphing library for Ruby 1059
62 spreadsheet_architect westonganger Spreadsheet Architect is a library that allows you to create XLSX, ODS, or CSV spreadsheets super... 1039
63 naught avdi A toolkit for building Null Object classes in Ruby 1038
64 review kmuto Re:VIEW is flexible document format/conversion system 996
65 discard jhawthorn 🃏🗑 Soft deletes for ActiveRecord done right 985
66 rocket_pants Sutto API building tools on top of ActionController. Also, an awesome name. 981
67 transpec yujinakayama The RSpec syntax converter 980
68 writings chloerei [Closed] Source code of 962
69 by_star radar Lets you find ActiveRecord + Mongoid objects by year, month, fortnight, week and more! 940
70 telegram-bot-ruby atipugin Ruby wrapper for Telegram's Bot API 937
71 headless leonid-shevtsov Create a virtual X screen from Ruby, record videos and take screenshots. 928
72 test-prof palkan Ruby Tests Profiling Toolbox 923
73 chunky_png wvanbergen Read/write access to PNG images in pure Ruby. 917
74 jb amatsuda A simple and fast JSON API template engine for Ruby on Rails 917
75 ruby-on-rails-tmbundle drnic Ruby on Rails TextMate bundle [Learn it with PeepCode - 908
76 webistrano peritor Webistrano is a Web UI for managing Capistrano deployments 897
77 datagrid bogdan Gem to create tables grids with sortable columns and filters 885
78 team_dashboard fdietz Visualize your team's metrics all in one place. 878
79 nlp-with-ruby arbox Curated List: Practical Natural Language Processing done in Ruby 878
80 bitcoin-ruby lian bitcoin utils and protocol in ruby. 868
81 active_decorator amatsuda ORM agnostic truly Object-Oriented view helper for Rails 4, 5, and 6 850
82 sidekiq-unique-jobs mhenrixon Ensure uniqueness of your Sidekiq jobs 849
83 acl9 be9 Yet another role-based authorization system for Rails 841
84 real-world-rails eliotsykes Real World Rails applications and their open source codebases for developers to learn from 836
85 enki xaviershay A Ruby on Rails blogging app for the fashionable developer. It's better than Mephisto or SimpleLog 826
86 knife-solo matschaffer DEPRECATED: Please consider using, ansible, or visit 814
87 babushka benhoskings Test-driven sysadmin. 795
88 angel_nest fredwu Project code name: Angel Nest. :) 787
89 angel_nest fredwu Project code name: Angel Nest. :) 787
90 ruby-gmail dcparker A Rubyesque interface to Gmail. Connect to Gmail via IMAP and manipulate emails and labels. Send ... 787
91 shopqi saberma An open source clone of Shopify. 782
92 the_role the-teacher Authorization for Rails + GUI. Semantic, Flexible, Lightweight 775
93 vagrant-lamp r8 My default LAMP development stack for Vagrant 772
94 Slogger ttscoff Social logging script for Day One 771
95 rspec-rails dchelimsky RSpec extension library for Ruby on Rails 768
96 filterrific jhund Filterrific is a Rails Engine plugin that makes it easy to filter, search, and sort your ActiveRe... 766
97 rails-settings ledermann Manage settings with Ruby on Rails 761
98 ghost bjeanes Create, list, delete, and modify /etc/hosts entries with ease... 756
99 clarity tobi Web interface for the grep and tail -f unix tools. Useful for real-time log analysis. Remotely re... 755
100 hijack ileitch Provides an irb session to a running ruby process. 755
# Name
1 Japan 76430
2 Germany 65851
3 Australia 51047
4 USA 50560
5 Canada 40791
6 United Kingdom 32154
7 China 31954
8 Brazil 20894
9 Russia 14267
10 France 13553
11 Ukraine 11674
12 Argentina 8821
13 India 8163
14 Mexico 2234
15 Belarus 1540
Stars minimum 15
Followers minimum 10
Gathered at 2020-03-06 16:02